Beauty Tips
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wash your face daily with shika powder.within a week you will see a shine
body relaxation and sleeping and good quantity of water is necessary for body
one tablespoon of honey with one table spoon raw milk and one tablespoon turmaric powder and one tablespoon of lemon juice mix thourouly and apply gently on face wash after 15 min
mix 10 ml rosewater in bath water regularly for healthy skin.
Use Lemon juice and Tamato juice to become fair
For Large pores : Rubbing Plain water ICE for 10 min
Face Scrub: walnut , rosewater,milk . mix all n rubbing your skin it will give good result
mix rose water or simple water with gram flour and add turmeric powder, apply on your face for 15-20 mins. then wash your face with cold water.
Tips for Arms and Legs : Add ½ tspn vinegar to ½ a cup of curds. Massage feet and ankles well with this Wash after 5 minutes.
For youngry soft face mix some yougart and yeast apply , than rinse with cold water
Take a banana or a ripen banana mash it,make pulp according to requirement add some curd in it make a paste form, massage it on body let it remain for few minutes and then remove it and take bath,it will remove the blackness of body whereas it will make skin soft ,fair and smooth.It should be followed in starting 3to4 days and then every week,it will give a sudden and surprising change.
Remove scars on your hands and feet by rubbing them with lemon peel.
For cracked heals, massage the foot with coconut oil and keep the foot in warm water for some time. Wipe the water off the feet and apply a mixture of hibiscus flower(10), Henna (1 handful) and juice of half a lemon. when dry wash it off.
For rough palms, use a mixture of glycerin and lime juice in equal proportion.
Massage your body with a mixture of coconut oil and any of your favourite scented oils like lavender or rosemary.
If you have cracked heels, melt paraffin wax; mix it with little mustard oil and apply on the affected area. Leave it overnight. After 10 or 15 days, your heels will become smooth.
Peel and grate a cucumber. Squeeze the juice to this, mix half-a-teaspoon glycerin and half-a-teaspoon rose water. Apply this on sunburns, leave it for some time.
Mix six-teaspoon petroleum jelly, two-teaspoon glycerin and two-teaspoon lemon juice. Apply this moisturizing lotion at least twice a week if you have dry and flaky, arms and legs.
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