How to remove Dandruff
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apply curd with little pepper powder wash hair after 30 minutes. apply hibiscus leaves paste with hibiscus flower in it and ash after 1 hour.
take 2eggs white yolk to bath it removed the dandruff completely
take neem powder and bilwa mix with water apply and wait for half an hour repeat twice in a week dont use shampoo
to avoid hair loss: take one tablespoon of amla powder and one tablespoon of methi powder and one tablespoon of curd and 2 drops of eucalyptus oil and mix this proportions with beetroot juice and leave it whole night and then apply to scalp once a week to get better results
its very simple....get it done once a week..if u have severe dandruff then repeat twice.massage ur scalp with warm coco oil mix with lemon juice.keep it for an hr n then wash it off with a mild shampoo.
To get rid of bad dandruff,mix amla poweder with the juice of one lemon and apply this paste on your scalp and leave it for 20 minutes and then wash your hair with a mild herbal shampoo, within few weeks you will feel the difference.
Grid the neem juice with the yeast buttermilk add limejuice and white part of egg apply in the scalp and wash
Take One Tspoon of eggs white part and apply it to the head then wait for 20 min the take a bath with hot water. by contionsly doing it for once in a weak all the dandruff will wash out..
take a teaspoon of coconut oil and mix with curd and neem paste.apply gently on hair and massage.wash of thorougly with herbal shampoo.
every month when you apply mendhi on your hair than take one spone oly oil in it. by this method your hair will be silky and strong
Hai,just take white part alone in an egg apply in your scalp and massage with ur hands softly then wait for 5-10 minutes and wash with mild hotwater do not use shampoos.just collect hibiscus leafs and make it dry and powder and add fenugreek also and apply to your scalp.Do this process regularly
Ally lemon juice to your scalp, wash it after 5 minutes. It really works, try it out.
take 2eggs white yolk to bath it removed the dandruff completely
take neem powder and bilwa mix with water apply and wait for half an hour repeat twice in a week dont use shampoo
to avoid hair loss: take one tablespoon of amla powder and one tablespoon of methi powder and one tablespoon of curd and 2 drops of eucalyptus oil and mix this proportions with beetroot juice and leave it whole night and then apply to scalp once a week to get better results
its very simple....get it done once a week..if u have severe dandruff then repeat twice.massage ur scalp with warm coco oil mix with lemon juice.keep it for an hr n then wash it off with a mild shampoo.
To get rid of bad dandruff,mix amla poweder with the juice of one lemon and apply this paste on your scalp and leave it for 20 minutes and then wash your hair with a mild herbal shampoo, within few weeks you will feel the difference.
Grid the neem juice with the yeast buttermilk add limejuice and white part of egg apply in the scalp and wash
Take One Tspoon of eggs white part and apply it to the head then wait for 20 min the take a bath with hot water. by contionsly doing it for once in a weak all the dandruff will wash out..
take a teaspoon of coconut oil and mix with curd and neem paste.apply gently on hair and massage.wash of thorougly with herbal shampoo.
every month when you apply mendhi on your hair than take one spone oly oil in it. by this method your hair will be silky and strong
Hai,just take white part alone in an egg apply in your scalp and massage with ur hands softly then wait for 5-10 minutes and wash with mild hotwater do not use shampoos.just collect hibiscus leafs and make it dry and powder and add fenugreek also and apply to your scalp.Do this process regularly
Ally lemon juice to your scalp, wash it after 5 minutes. It really works, try it out.
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